Application Details
- Application for
- NABARD CCF Investment Support
- Last date
- 12 Mar 2025 12:00 am IST
- About
aIDEA ICAR NAARM may give CCF to support its startups start-ups in the form of a soft loan, debt, equity, or a combination of these. In case of soft loan or debt fund, a repayment schedule shall be developed on the realistic scenarios by looking at the cash flow of the supported startups individually. Attempts to ensure that the incubatee repays the entire amount of seed assistance received as a loan within 5 years, with at least 30% of the soft loan/debt balance being repaid within 3 years from the date of soft loan/debt received. In seed support instances costing more than Rs. 10 lakhs, only equity model should be promoted and followed, setting a maximum time limit of 5 years’ duration in case of equity investment.
The support cannot cross the threshold of Rs. 25 Lakhs in ordinary cases, for extra ordinary case committee may also allow up to RS. 30 Lakhs (based on sufficient evidence assessed and documented by the CSMC. One start-up can be provided support under Catalytic Capital only once. Within three years of receiving the tranches, the a-IDEA must use the sanctioned catalytic capital support in its entirety.
- Supporting Documents
- Annexure -III Head-wise Budget Breakup & Justification.docx
- Annexure - II - Management Team & Empolyees.docx
- Annexure - I - Checklist for NABARD CCF 4.0 Application.docx
- 24-01-25 - Company Name - NABRD CCF 4.0 - 2nd Round - Pitch Deck.pptx
- Annexure - IV - Return on Investment forecast.docx